The Document Attachments were stored in our AX 2012 database, and were occupying several hundred GBs. As part of the migration to D365FO we had to export these files in bulk. The most efficient way is to run the batch task in parallel. But this data is tilted in a way that if you would group the tasks based on their creation date, it the first tasks would barely have any records to process while the last ones would go on forever. The solution for this is called data histogram equalization.
It would be a big challenge to code this in X++, but SQL Server has a function for doing this exactly: NTILE.
The following direct query is able to process the data histogram, and then return 10 buckets of Record Identifier ranges of roughly equal size:
WITH documents (Bucket, RecId)
AS (
FROM docuRef
ON (docuType.dataAreaId = docuRef.RefCompanyId OR DOCUREF.REFCOMPANYID = '')
AND docuType.TypeId = docuRef.TypeId
INNER JOIN docuValue
ON docuValue.RecId = docuRef.ValueRecId
WHERE docuType.TypeGroup = 1 -- DocuTypeGroup::File
AND docuType.FilePlace = 0 -- DocuFilePlace::Archive
AND docuType.ArchivePath <> ''
AND docuValue.Path = ''
,count(*) AS Count
,(SELECT MIN(RecId) FROM documents D WHERE D.Bucket = documents.Bucket) AS RecId_From
,(SELECT MAX(RecId) FROM documents D WHERE D.Bucket = documents.Bucket) AS RecId_To
FROM documents
Here are the results for spawning 10 batch job tasks to do parallel execution based on the RecId surrogate key index, with ~57230 rows in each bucket. This allows you to evenly distribute the load for data processing in parallel.
If we would export our document attachments sequentially, it would take roughly 40 hours total. By utilizing the data histogram equalization we could get it down to be under 3 hours. That is amazing!
It is a great way to split ranges of data for parallel processing, to keep in mind for the future.
During our Dynamics 365 code upgrade the display methods on forms were raising an error. The new rule is that FormDataSource display methods must be static calls. Here is the relevant section from the Docs site:
Our change to display an Employee’s custom Job title looked like this after the upgrade:
[ExtensionOf(formDataSourceStr(HcmWorker, JJEAdditionalEmplTable))]
public final class HCMWorker_DS_JJEAdditionalEmplTable_JADOperation_Extension
static display Description jobTitleDescription(JJEAdditionalEmplTable _additionalEmplTable)
Description ret = '';
if (_additionalEmplTable)
ret = JJEJobTitles::find(_additionalEmplTable.JobTitle).Description;
return ret;
In the form designer now you need to refer this display method as a static call as per below in your extension:
In the new Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations release a lot of things have changed in terms of reflection. One of them that we have used frequently for security access validation is gone, DictSecurityKey is deprecated.
You can find a list of still available classes which are mostly used against AOT objects here:
Sometimes we have noticed that our SQL health report has shown an out of control TempDB growth. It has happened for example when we have triggered bulk invoiced sales order cleanup, or some other larger processes. You can find out more about monitoring TempDB growth for version store in these articles:
Running the following statement can tell you the currently occupied space overall, and per file in your TempDB. Our normal usage is around 2 GB, so having a 67GB space used looked very suspicious.
SELECT SUM(CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name, 'SpaceUsed')/128.0 AS DECIMAL(10,2))) AS [Space Used in MB]
FROM sysfiles
SELECT RTRIM(name) AS [Segment Name], groupid AS [Group Id], filename AS [File Name],
CAST(size/128.0 AS DECIMAL(10,2)) AS [Allocated Size in MB],
CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name, 'SpaceUsed')/128.0 AS DECIMAL(10,2)) AS [Space Used in MB],
CAST([maxsize]/128.0 AS DECIMAL(10,2)) AS [Max in MB],
CAST([maxsize]/128.0-(FILEPROPERTY(name, 'SpaceUsed')/128.0) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) AS [Available Space in MB]
FROM sysfiles
This query shows the composition of data within the TempDB files. It was immediately apparent that it is not the user/system data that is taking up the space, but the so called version store. Normally that should be regularly cleaned up by an internal process, unless there is a dead thread/blocking/something broken within SQL:
--SUM(allocated_extent_page_count) AS [allocated extent pages used],
--(SUM(allocated_extent_page_count)*1.0/128) AS [allocated extent space in MB],
SUM(version_store_reserved_page_count) AS [version store pages used],
(SUM(version_store_reserved_page_count)*1.0/128) AS [version store space in MB],
SUM(user_object_reserved_page_count) AS [user object pages used],
(SUM(user_object_reserved_page_count)*1.0/128) AS [user object space in MB],
SUM(internal_object_reserved_page_count) AS [internal object pages used],
(SUM(internal_object_reserved_page_count)*1.0/128) AS [internal object space in MB],
SUM(mixed_extent_page_count) AS [mixed object pages used],
(SUM(mixed_extent_page_count)*1.0/128) AS [mixed object space in MB]
FROM sys.dm_db_file_space_usage;
The following query has shown that session 224 was active for several days, with a sleeping state, thus preventing this TempDB cleanup on the version store to run.
DECLARE @runtime datetime
SET @runtime = GETDATE()
PRINT '-- sys.dm_db_file_space_used'
select CONVERT (varchar(30), @runtime, 121) AS runtime, SUM (user_object_reserved_page_count)*8 as usr_obj_kb,
SUM (internal_object_reserved_page_count)*8 as internal_obj_kb,
SUM (version_store_reserved_page_count)*8 as version_store_kb,
SUM (unallocated_extent_page_count)*8 as freespace_kb,
SUM (mixed_extent_page_count)*8 as mixedextent_kb
FROM sys.dm_db_file_space_usage
PRINT ' -- Output of active transactions which are using version store'
select CONVERT (varchar(30), @runtime, 121) AS runtime,a.*,b.kpid,b.blocked,b.lastwaittype,b.waitresource,b.dbid,b.cpu,b.physical_io,b.memusage,b.login_time,b.last_batch,b.open_tran,b.status,b.hostname,b.program_name,b.cmd,b.loginame,request_id
from sys.dm_tran_active_snapshot_database_transactions a
inner join sys.sysprocesses b
on a.session_id = b.spid
PRINT ' -- Input buffer of SPIDs identified above Output of active transactions which are using version store'
select CONVERT (varchar(30), @runtime, 121) AS runtime,b.spid,c.*
from sys.dm_tran_active_snapshot_database_transactions a
inner join sys.sysprocesses b
on a.session_id = b.spid
cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle) c
PRINT ' -- Open cursors'
select * from sys.dm_exec_cursors(0) a
cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle)
WHERE DATEDIFF(hh, a.creation_time, GETDATE()) > 1;
The above Session 224 was running on one of our AX integration AOS instances. As a quick fix, restarting the AX AOS service has released the API sessions.
The root cause analysis has revealed that if we refer tables, which have their configuration keys turned off, it can generate TempDB entries. In our case the sales order deletion batch job was running SalesLineType::delete. It has a LedgerCov::deleteTransact call, which is a delete_from ledgerCov in a transaction block. We have introduced a configuration key check for the table, and that has eliminated the out of control TempDB growth issue.
We highly recommend to have a close look at your TempDB usage, and try to identify which tables with a disabled configuration key can have a big performance impact on your environment by running code unnecessarily.
There is an old, but good article posted by Tariq Bell about the inner workings of the AX Batch framework. When you are working with Dev and Test instances and enable/disable the Batch flag in Server configuration, it might take a while before your tasks are starting to run. There is a simple trick to force executing batch jobs.
As explained in the reference article, each batch task and the framework itself triggers this call, when they are ready to finish execution and a new task needs to be picked up. You could just write a simple job and trigger it with a Menu Item on Server side to kick off a batch job earlier.
Providing the correct instance number and the server name is required in order to force executing batch jobs.
We have used this method in part to change the batch framework itself, and allow execution of jobs faster than the typical 1 minute schedule. I wanted to post about those findings, but unfortunately that code is not compatible with more recent versions of AX 2012 R3 CU10+, due to Microsoft introducing the new SP_GETAPPLOCK calls in the framework.