AX 2012

Working with Entity Store and DIXF in AX

There is an excellent tool available for advanced reporting and BI capabilities that partners and customers should start exploring. In this post I would like to show how to work with Entity Store and DIXF in AX, which has been published shortly after the Technical Conference held in Seattle last year:

Working with the Entity Store and DIXF in AX takes some time to set up, but once it is running, it is acting as an up-to-date Data Warehouse for you, where you could utilize advanced features such as Clustered Columnstore Indexes, and make truly amazing visualizations which will please the eyes of your managers whom loves KPIs, and will make your teams more productive by knowing what to look for.

You can find the Public PowerBI built for the stock and items at JJ Food Service as an example of what could be achieved for visualizations built on data that is coming out of your AX environment:



By |2017-06-07T11:36:34+02:00June 7th, 2017|Categories: AX 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , |4 Comments

Improved TFS Version Control tools

All companies should be using some form of Version Control nowadays, as Microsoft is also pushing us in that direction with Dynamics 365 for Operations already. The frameworks in AX are mostly open, ready for improvement – and there is a lot of room for that. You can find below some of my improved TFS Version Control tools below. If you have additional tools or ideas, feel free to share it.

  1. XPO Import dialog

    A new Check out button has been added, so when trying to import an object from XPO that is already under VCS, you do not have to navigate to the AOT, but can directly access it from here.
  2. Version Control Pending objects

    The Version Control Changes > Contents list already had an Open new window button for the currently selected objects, but it was missing from the Pending objects list – which is more frequently used -, until now.
  3. Version Control Check-in dialog

    IDs are now sorted in a descending order to have the most recent tasks on the top.
    I am now hiding the TFS entries in a Closed state by default and can be shown by a checkbox.
    Developers are typically working on Tasks, which was opened from a User Story using the Agile methodology setup in VCS, and check-ins are done against Tasks, so now I am hiding User Stories by default.

Please find attached the Improved TFS Version Control tools.

By |2017-05-20T10:08:38+02:00May 20th, 2017|Categories: AX 2012, TFS|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Refresh AX grid color with displayOption

We have a displayOption implemented for the Vendor transactions screen, which highlights the rows in red color where the posted transactions or the journal has a Document attachment. The requirement was that if we create a new DocuRef entry on the vendor transaction, after closing the DocuView form the grid should change color. In order to refresh AX grid color with displayOption only for the currently selected row we can use the FormDataSource.clearDisplayOption method.

Also there is a great comment on the Dynamics Community about refreshing a set of entries, instead of the current cursor:

We have edited \Forms\DocuView\Methods\close as per below to achieve refreshing only the currently highlighted row:

public void close()
    FormRun         frm = infolog.parmLastActivatedForm().object();
    FormDataSource  fds;
    curUrl = "";
    if (infolog.docu() && infolog.docu().docuView() && infolog.docu().docuView().object())
        infolog.docu().clearDocuView(); //ensure that form is removed from infolog object
    if (frm
        && frm.form().name() == formStr(VendTrans))
        fds = frm.dataSource(1);
By |2017-02-20T13:32:54+01:00February 20th, 2017|Categories: AX 2012|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

AX 2012 R3 Cumulative Update 12 is available

Microsoft has announced availability for AX 2012 R3 Cumulative Update 12 recently, and just became available for download today. You may find the announcement with the What’s new links here:

According the the Build numbers website the kernel has version 6.3.5000.138, however a newer build is already available:



By |2017-09-12T08:02:19+02:00November 22nd, 2016|Categories: AX 2012|Tags: , , |1 Comment
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